Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fine Italian craftsmanship

Hey all,

Second post for the day. I hope the “fine Italian craftsmanship” of K's present is better than that of the nice little pocket-knife I bought myself in Rome. I just got home from the supermarket and here is what is left of it after less than two weeks in my pocket. Which, in addition to being annoying, is a bit of a problem – it goes without saying that having this happen to a knife while still in your pocket could be very painful... Admittedly I just bought it to cut cigars and apples with and to throw away if it got confiscated at a search point, but still.

Incidentally, Italian body searches are as good as their knives – the Boboli gardens have a security checkpoint with a metal detector, bag x-ray and some officious type with a metal detecting wand (although there is another entrance around the other side where you just walk in without any checks at all, not to mention several exits where the only thing preventing you getting in is a sign that says, “no entry” – the bad guys would never think of this, of course – I really wonder what the point of all the rigmarole at that one gate is). I beeped like mad when I went through the metal detector – the officious guy checked me over – the wand beeped at my pocket. This had the knife and my mobile phone in it. I was all ready to do my best dumb-ass Australian “me no understandy signo” routine (which you can get away with: if you are Australian you are friendly and decent, but in a very stupid, harmless and mildly amusing kind of way), but I just took out the phone, showed it to him – and he waved me on through.

Cheers, again, B

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