Hey all,
New hostel, which is nice in that there are only three beds per room. I had last night to myself completely but wasted the sleeping opportunity by watching TV on the laptop till nearly 2 AM, then reading till past 3. The universe is punishing me now because I no longer have the room to myself. Fortunately it is only one person, so if he starts snoring there will be no potential witnesses when I kill him in his sleep. Live Update: he has just returned, this potential snorer – who is not long for this world if his potential is realised...
Still unsure exactly what to do with myself – time to get to England and find a job before K gets here is getting a bit tight and a bit too much of a gamble – so if something does not pan out here work wise in the next week or so then will probably go somewhere cheaper than Italy for a month or so. But a fairly lazy day tomorrow anyway, then the walk in the countryside on Wednesday, assuming it doesn't rain too much.
Went to an English speaking church yesterday, which was interesting – Anglican, but Anglican like it might have been about 5 minutes after they split from the Roman Catholic church – extremely formal and ritualistic – was nice to watch in a way, but intimidating to be a part of because I had no idea what was going on. Also went to a cafe/bookshop I had noticed - model agent told me it was a notorious communist haunt chock full of anarchists and radicals (or at least students) and that they would throw her out if she tried to enter due to the fact that she dresses like a grown up, but that I would fit right in. And it was true - for the first time in months I did not feel horribly under-dressed.
The other exciting thing I did was lash out and try a different flavour of ice-cream – strawberry. A big mistake: it was disgustingly wholesome. I suspect they made it with real fruit, God between us and evil.
Photos. Two of the second biggest candles for L and T back home. I was going to get the biggest ones but then thought I would get the second biggest so that if things don't look up for them both soon I will still have some extra fire-power to use by buying the biggest in a few days. Then the candles in context, on the right, although it looks like only one because they are behind each other.
Cheers, B.
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